True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse
How would you feel waking up in a world over run with the undead? When you walk through this world you will understand what it is like to live in a Zombie Apocalypse. Could you Survive?

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This add-on is hard, really hard, only the best will survive!
This add-on DOES NOT use the player.json file
All Vanilla Minecraft Mobs have been removed. You should only see Our Zombies, Unless they are hardcoded entities. We have done this so we can control how we want our add-on to run, Any Vanilla Mobs that remain are there because we want them to be.
The Add-on
This add-on is simple. Can you survive in a world over run by Zombies?
The History
A deadly virus has taken over the Minecraft World, Some entities were killed instantly (Creepers, Skeletons etc), Everything else became the undead... A Zombie.
Different types of Zombies have taken over the Minecraft World, Each type will have it's own characteristics, it may be speed, strength or something else,
Whatever the case if you see a Zombie... Run.
Some people are survivors like you and you will find them wondering around getting attacked or attacking Zombies.
NPC's will automatically attack Zombies just as Zombies will automatically attack NPC's. If a NPC dies from a Zombie attack they will become Zombies themselves.
Zombie Corpses
When you kill a Zombie the Corpse will fall to the ground and start to decay, within this period you can harvest some loot from the Corpse by interacting with it, what you are really hoping for is a Zombie Heart. Rats will eat Zombie Corpses, you may want to get to them before they do.

Each stage of decay will take 20 seconds until the corpse is just bone

When it is just the Skeleton left you can harvest some Bones

The Skeleton will disappear in 20 seconds
If you are lucky enough the get a Zombie Heart from the Corpse, you can start to make a Vaccine to Vaccinate the living including the remaining Animals.

With Empty Vials traded from the Hazmat Guy in the Mesa you can get eight Vials of Zombie Blood from one Zombie Heart
Also a trade of the Hazmat Guy in the Mesa is the Antidote! The Antidote mixed with Zombie Blood with create a Zombification Vaccine

The last stage of creating a Working Vaccine is to mix the unmixed Vaccine Vial in a Vortex Mixer, this will ensure the Vaccine is ready to use. The Vortex Mixers can be found in Medical Cabinets found in Structures.

Place the unmixed Vial of the Vaccine into the Vortex Mixer and wait 20 seconds

When the Vortex Mixer is finished you will have a fully working Zombie Vaccine to give to a NPC or your animals, by Vaccinating you are making it so the Zombies simply ignore them, So starting a Pig or Chicken Farm can be done easily. By Vaccinating a NPC you will open their trade table for you to trade with. This process also allows you to breed the Vaccinated NPC's, Use a Toblerone on the NPC's this will get them to give birth to a Zombie Immune Human. Once fully grown giving this Human a set of clothes will determine the role it now has to take. The more Immune Humans you have in one place means less Zombie spawning.
The Immune Humans
True Survival is not just a run and hide add-on, it has depth! The whole point is to rebuild society by creating a community of Immune Humans, these are the Humans that come from breeding the Vaccinated NPC's.
When you breed the Vaccinated NPC's they will give birth to an Immune Baby

The Zombies will ignore the Immune unless they are making noise then they will be attracted to them but will not attack them, The Immune Baby will be quite unless it is hungry.

When the Immune Baby is crying you will need to give it a bottle of Baby Milk to calm it

Bottles and Baby Milk can be found inside Food Cupboards

Every time the Immune Baby is feed is a chance for it to grow up into an Immune Toddler

The Immune Toddler is a bit more lively you may have to keep your eye on it more then the Immune baby

If the Immune Toddler gets hungry it will let you know by throwing a tantrum, which will attract more Zombies. Give it a Bottle of Toddler Milk to calm it down.

Bottles and Toddler Milk can be found inside Food Cupboards

Every time the Immune Toddler is feed is a chance for it to grow up into an Immune Teenager

The Immune Teenager will be quite as it has understood the situation it is in.

If the Immune Teenager gets hungry it will sit down and sulk, give it a cooked Pizza to cheer it up

Pizzas can be found inside Food Cupboards

Every time the Immune Teenager is feed is a chance for it to grow into an Immune Adult

The Immune Adult will not need looking after, it will just do it's own thing until given a role to play in your community

Clothes can be found inside Suitcases (They are not for you to wear). By giving a set of clothes to an Immune Adult you will be giving it a role to play whilst you rebuild.
The Zombies
Zombies will cover your entire world, every Biome will have them, so there is no real escape from the horror this add-on has to offer. Zombies will be dorment, slowly wondering around thinking on their previous life or what ever Zombies think about. If your were to watch them you will see them sniff the air when an entity they would like to feast upon comes close....Including you!

When you see them doing this, they have caught a scent and will go to investigate, if they find an animal or you they will attack. Zombies attack will not do a lot of damage but will poison you for a certain period of time which can become troublesome when overwhelmed with a hoard of the undead.

When a Zombie attacks a human, that human will either become a Zombie or die. If the human was to die the Zombies will start to eat the fresh corpse, this could work as a good distraction in an emergency!

The Humans
Humans are rare, you will not see many of them as when ever the Zombies sees them they will attack them making more Zombies, so keeping one safe long enough to Vaccinate them is hard. When a Human is vaccinated you can still trade with them but now they are your friends and will follow you anywhere you go, unless you tell them to stay put, simular to "sitting" but without the sitting animaton (Because they are not dogs) when they have stayed put you can leave them at home and go on your travels knowing they are safe and sound. Humans will not defend you or fight on your behalf, like i said they are not Dogs. Once Vaccinated you can give them a Toblerone and they will begin to breed to create an Immune Baby. Genders count here, so make sure you have a male and a female vaccinated human before wasting a Toblerone.

-Hazmat Scientist-
This Human can be found wandering the Mesa, Trade O2 Canisters with him for Empty Vials and Zombie Antidotes. (Male)

-Katana Trader-
This Human can be found wandering the Desert, trade Hygiene Products with her for Katana's, The Katana Trader will spawn with two Armless Zombies on leads. If you kill the Katana Trader you can take her Armless Zombies with you. All other Zombies will ingore you when you have one of these with you. (Female)

Available Katanas

-Old Hobo-
These Humans can be found wandering the Tiaga, trade Food with him for Armor. (Male)

-Retired Gang Member-
These Humans can be found wandering the Jungles of your world, Trade Cigarettes with them for a Gang Members Mask. (Female)

These Humans can be found in any Biome, you will normally hear them shooting Zombies before you see one, They have no trade table but will follow you once Vaccinated and kill any Zombie on your path. (Male)
-Blending In-
Get hold of some Dirty Rags and a Vial of Zombie Blood and you can craft yourself a Zombie Blood Stained Shirt, this will keep you 100% hidden from the Zombies giving you time to run around and collect your loot, only problem now is the Rats, They will come at you big time. Good Luck!

-The Weapons-
Melee Weapons will be your go to weapon as guns are Rare, you can break Rusty Pipe Blocks located in or around Structures for a chance of a Rusty Pipe to get you out of danger, but all other Melee Weapons will have to be crafted!

Rusty Pipe Block

Rusty Pipes are the easiest Melee Weapon to get hold of as Rusty Pipe Block are located in 90% of Structures, they do not have much Durability or Damage but will help to survive.
Wood Work Bench
The Wood Work Bench will craft any Melee Weapon that requires Wood as the main material, Wood for Melee Weapons can be found mainly outside Structures, wooden window panels and door barriers break into to the wood you will need to craft on this Bench.

Find the Designs for the Wood Work Bench inside Suitcases

Break the Window Panels or Door Barriers to get Pieces of Wood

A Damaged Wood Plank makes 3 Wood Pieces

9 Wood Pieces makes 1 usable Wood Plank
Metal Work Bench
The Metal Work Bench will craft any Melee Weapon that requires Metal as the main material, Metal for Melee Weapons can be found mainly from Rusty Pipe Blocks, Trash Cans and Empty Food Cans.

Find the Designs for the Metal Work Bench inside Suitcases

Metal Fragments are found when breaking Rusty Pipe Blocks, Trash Cans or Smelting Empty Food and Drink Cans, 9 Metal Fragments makes 1 Metal Piece.

Smelt Metal Pieces to get Metal Ingots
Gun Ammo Creation
Creating Ammo for your Guns will take a little time to get started but will be worth it in the end as you can keep all your Guns stocked up and if you are playing on a Realm, Ammo making could be a good way of earning rare items from other players. First you will need to go mining in the Mesa, a Desert or the Savanna to get some Potassium Nitrate and Sulfur.

Mine these Ores to obtain Potassium Nitrate and Sulfur
Once you have these, get some Charcoal Powder from crafting Charcoal

Now you have all the items to make Pure Gunpowder
Craft together these items to get Pure Gunpowder

Pure Gunpowder obained! What you need next is Melted Copper

OK! With these items nice and safe in your Chest you can move on to the next part. Finding a Ammunition Bench!

Ammunition Benches can only be found inside Gang Members Bases, once you have one you can create stocks of Ammunition for your Guns, As well as Melted Copper and Pure Gunpowder you will need Empty Ammo Boxes to finish your Craft. Empty Ammo Boxes can be found inside Trash Cans and Rubbish Bags.




12 Gauge Shells
Guns are rare, but if you are lucky enough they can be found inside Armory Crates inside Structures
To reload any of our guns you simply need to have the correct ammo anywhere in your inventory, shoot your empty gun and it will reload!

Available Guns
Sentry Gun
A Sentry Gun will stand wherever you place it and be on the look out for any Zombies it comes across. When you place it down, it will be empty, you will need to load it with some Sentry Gun Bullets, When you do this the Sentry Gun will
come online and start looking for threats, Each case of Bullets will last an hour before it becomes empty and needs reloading.

You can find pieces of the Sentry Gun in Armory Crates, craft them together to create a Sentry Gun

If you would like to move your Sentry Gun, Just Sneak and Interact with it with a Crowbar in your hand.
Flare Gun
The Flare Gun is technically not a Weapon but it has gun in the title so it works, If your lucky enough to come across a Subway Carriage and find a Flare Gun then when you get back the surface look up and shoot, this will let out a Flare. The Flare will summon a Supply Crate which will fall down to you.

The Subway Carriage generates in most Biomes between level 0-10
Explosives are a great way of getting the edge on the undead scum! Using anyone of these devices should give you enough time to get ahead by a good few blocks...Or maybe you will just blow yourself up. Who knows!
Proximity Mines can be laid down anywhere, once you place one down sneak and interact with it, this will activate it. You will hear a beeping sound for 5 seconds, when the beeping stops the Proximity Mine is armed.
Remote Bombs are a fantastic way to remove a few Zombies just when you want them to, Lure them to a location with a Smoke Bomb and lay a Remote Bomb close by and stand back
Grenades are a good item to have on your hotbar at all times, throwing one could get you out of a sticky situation!
Smoke Grenades are a very good way of escaping a hoard without using something that could kill you as well. Once thrown Zombies will be attracted to it, so a hoard following you could get distracted
Flash Bangs are not a fun as things that go boom, but just as handy, once thrown any mob in a 12 block radius will go blind for a few seconds and be extremely slow for about 20 seconds. Any player within a 30 block radius will still hear it
Using Medical supplies are a great way of keeping yourself super healthy whilst on the run, you can find all these items inside Medical Cabinets inside Structures

Medical Cabinets double up as a Medical Table to craft your Medical Items.

Ibuprofen Refill - Ibuprofen cures all poison infections, A full bottle has 3 uses

Aspirin Refill - Gives a little Regeneration Boosts, A full bottle has 3 uses

Steroids Refill - Gives a Speed, Strength and Jump Boost, A full bottle has 3 uses

Leg Splint - Cures the Slowness given by Crawlers, 1 time use

The Red First Aid Kit gives a Small Regeneration Boost more then the Aspirin, The Green Medical Kit give a Massive Regeration Boost for a long period of time
Bicycles can be obtained by breaking the Rubbish Bags, inside the Rubbish Bags you can find Bicycle pieces, Find the right coloured pieces and you can craft a Bicycle.
Personal Chest
Now you can keep all your stuff safe from other players on your world, stock you important items in your Personal Chest

Craft your Personal Chest

Take ownership of the Personal Chest with a Key

Personal Chests are very tough but they are not impossible to destory
Clothes Bundles
Clothes Bundles can be found in Suitcases, use one to get a Random uniform to use as armor

The Newspapers
As well as trying to stay alive for more then a day you can now set yourself a side quest to collect all the Newpapers featuring headlines of the oncoming storm that we now know was the end.

When you find a Newspaper, Craft a Stand so you can show them off. Eight to Collect!
The DVD's
When you loot any Loot Block you have chance to find a rare DVD, they are collectable items. Can you collect them all?

Razor Wire

Razor Wire will damage any entity that walks through it
The Food
Although we have taken out all the easy ways of obtaining food, we have added a vast array of food stuffs into this add-on. You can find Canned food that will give you a little hunger back of you can place it in a bowl and heat it up for a bigger hunger boost or add water to a Pot Noodle to get a big hunger boost. We have thought hard about what kind of food would be left behind in a Zombie Apocalypse and we came to the conclusion that a fresh piece of Beef wasn't one of them!
Fizzy Drinks will give a small Speed Boost as will Pop Tarts. Yay Sugar!

Fishing is a great way of getting some extra Food, it is the quickest and easist way!
Hydration or Thirst is just another thing that has been added to make your life a little harder, now you have to keep your Hydration full as well as your food.

Drink from a Water Canteen to get your Hydration back to 100%
When your Water Canteen is empty just stand in a water source to fill it up

There is also a vast array of drinks you can find to keep your Hydration levels high

Damaged Legs
When being attacked by an entity that is around waist height or lower they will give you the Slowness effect rather then poison indicating your Legs are damaged, when this happens use a Leg Splint to cure the slowness.

Clean Rags can be found inside Medical Cupboards, Dirty Rags can be found in Rubbish Bags, clean them in water to use them, Leg Splints can also be found inside Medical Cabinets but rare.
The Accessories
Accessories are rare drops from specific Zombies and can help in the little ways you didn't know you needed

Night Vision Goggles. A rare drop from the Tactical Zombies, Gives night vision effect

Skuba Diving Mask. A rare drop from the Skuba Zombies, Gives water breathing effect

Rat Poison Boxes, They will attract a kill Rats. Free Food!

Blood Moon events will happen when the Moon is in it's full phase and Blood Red, The Blood Moon Zombie will spawn in their Hoards, they will hit harder and take longer to kill. Good Luck!
Zombie Animals
Some animals will still spawn in your world, if they get attacked by a Zombie they will become an undead version of themselves, So killing any animal you see may be one less Zombie to worry about
Death Screen
When you die you will hear a scream and the death screen will show a blood splatter. Cool Right?

Zombie Spikes
Craft and place Zombie Spikes around your base to help protect it, each time an entity stands on a Zombie Spike it can break, so keep an eye on them to keep you bases safe, Entities will also get hurt when walking into them, Metal Zombie Spikes will last longer then Wooden ones.

The Stuctures
Structures will spawn all around your world, Each one giving different Loot while Houses will give you more domestic loot like food and trade items, Army Bases and Sheds will give more Armory Chests. Some Structures are a lot harder to clear out then others. Good Luck

Houses - Found in Grass Biomes

Sheds - Found anywhere

Motels - Found anywhere

Tower Blocks - Found in Grass Biomes

Camp Sites - Found in Forest and Desert Biomes

Watch Tower - Found in Forest Biomes

Desert Houses - Found in Desert Biomes

Army Medical Tent - Found in Desert Biomes

Shipping Containers - Found in Ocean Biomes

Container Stacks - Found in Mesa Biomes

Barns - Found in Savanna Biomes

Gang Base - Found in Swamp Biomes

Light Houses - Found in Ocean Biomes
Any issues please comment below, Remember to play in experimental mode to enjoy this addon.

If you make a Video or Stream using this add-on please make sure you have read and understood how to use it otherwise you just make the add-on and yourself look foolish.